Unlocking Potential
Let’s talk about our fourth team value, which is very much in line with our vision: Unlocking Potential. In this article, we’ll tell what that’s about.
Further Development and Growth
Growth leads to further development in many ways. Most people wish for a change at their core, no matter if relating to their professional career or their private life.
Further development in private, for example, can mean to get better in a hobby (like sports or instruments), or to build, expand or rebuild a house.
Professional further development can mean to become an expert on a specific subject, or to get a promotion which results in new exciting tasks.
There’s always personal further development. We can improve our skills in communication while influencing our personal or professional relationships. We can train in residency to become independent of outside problems. There are many sections to improve on. When developing further, we always grow.
Leaving The Comfort Zone

Do you know the term “comfort zone”? Every one has such one. We are in our comfort zone, if we’re having routines and safety while pursuing our habits and having control. We feel comfortable in this zone, and it costs us few to no energy. The problem is that nothing changes.
Comfort zone, fear zone, learning zone and growth zone. We are going through all of these processes when facing a new situation. If we achieved our goal (for example to learn a new skill) then we grew. After some time, our present growth zone becomes our new comfort zone.
How to leave this comfort zone? What works well, at first, is to have a goal in mind that you want to achieve. Let’s take your profession as an example. You are working at a company for many years, you know the team, you know their processes, ways and products. Therefore, this is your professional comfort zone.
You notice a personal dissatisfaction. Maybe, there are no promotion opportunities, you don’t like the team any more, or the tasks that you have to do don’t fulfil you any more. You start to search for a job, writing applications and visiting interviews, until you start at your new position. You are already in the fear zone characterised by insecurity, rejection, excuses and cancellation.
Your first working day: You get to know new people, new processes, new products and a new company building. You familiarise with your tasks and expectations. Here, you are in the learning zone. You learn new skills, make new expectations and you learn to trust in yourself over time.
Now, welcome to the growth zone. You achieve your goals while being happy and confident with yourself and your performance. What was new and unknown to you, some time ago, is now part of your daily business. Here you are again, in a new comfort zone, reaching for new and challenging projects. You’ve unlocked your potential.
Unlocking Potential
Many people start to leave their comfort zone, if external circumstances force them to grow and change. At Texsib, we like to deal with this issue proactively. Further training, new situations, new tasks and new challenges – that’s how we achieve further development in many ways. That influences our company and every life of our TEXperts positively. No one can take your growth and experience.
You’re searching for a new challenge, and you’re ready to unlock your potential? Become a part of our team! Have a look at our free positions here.