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Team and Responsibility Are Key

In this series of blogs, we present you our team values. You can find our article about fun and enjoyment and respect and appreciation. Team and responsibility are additional values that, from our perspective, can’t miss and presents the key of a strong and successful team.

Team Responsibility

Once you’re a part of the Texsib team, you’ll take responsibility for your team, because Texsib is a team sport. All departments are intertwined and everywhere are crossings.

That’s why the team is our highest priority. It’s about the whole Texsib team consisting of all departments and employees – about the whole team.

Trusting and relying on each other is most important. If a colleague is sick or is having a bad day, we support and are there for each other. If someone isn’t able to finish a task, someone else helps. In the end, all of us are working towards a bigger aim.

Self Responsibility

It always starts with you. You want a change? You want growth? Start with yourself, and look what YOU can do. The only person that is able to influence you, is you.

In addition to the responsibility for the team and the goal, each TEXpert is of course responsible for what he/she does.

Self responsibility means to influence your life actively. It strengthens your mental state and your own freedom. To make someone responsible is easy, being self responsible is hard. But in the end, it’s the one thing, that really improves you.

There is a lot of freedom in creativity for goals, projects and tasks. This freedom is great, but has to handled well. Great freedom comes with great responsibility.

You love to be self responsible? Become a part of our team? You can find all information about free positions here.