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AI in The Printing Industry

AI in The Printing Industry

AI in The Printing Industry:Printing with AI – A Utopia or A Dystopia? The phone rings at the Sales Department. A human voice answers, but who truly speaks, is a computer. The Artificial Intelligence of the printing industry’s future accepts an order,...
Wide Range of Applications for PVC Hard Foam Sheets

Wide Range of Applications for PVC Hard Foam Sheets

A Wide Range of Applications for PVC Hard Foam Sheets: Discover Our Applications Our product portfolio includes PVC hard foam sheets in various thicknesses. These are generally only used for signs, but there are many different areas of application for PVC hard foam...
Sustainable Printing

Sustainable Printing

Sustainable Printing: The Future in Large Format? As digitalisation and automation continue to advance, another key issue is moving to the forefront of our everyday lives: sustainability – and that includes the printing industry. It’s no longer just about...