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How to Generate Attention with Your Scaffolding Banner

A scaffolding banner is a large advertising space that can be attached to a building or other object. This type of advertising is very eye-catching and attracts attention. But not everyone knows how to generate the right attention. Here you can find out what is important.

Creativity is key

When you talk about a scaffolding banner, the first reaction is usually: “Oh, it’s just a big poster. How can that be exciting?”

But here’s the trick: A banner can be as exciting or as unspectacular as you design it. With a little creativity and thought, your banner can become an eye-catcher and attract attention.

So design your banner consciously and think carefully beforehand about what you want to say with it and what message you want to communicate. Of course, it is also important that your design harmonises with the rest of your brand in order to create a coherent overall impression.

Gerüstbanner Löwe

Customise your scaffolding banner to your target group

If you want to design your banner in such a way that it attracts the attention of your target group, you should customise it to their needs and interests. To do this, it is important that you know exactly who your target group is and what motivates them.

Imagine, for example, that you want to address university students with your banner. In this case, you should design a banner that is targeted to their needs and interests. Perhaps you could make an offer for students registering for a particular exam. Or you could offer a discount for students who shop at your store.

If you know who your target group is and what motivates them, you can design your scaffolding banner in such a way that it grabs their attention and encourages them to take action.

Choose the right size for your scaffolding banner

Choosing the right size for your banner is just as important as choosing the right design. The size of the banner should primarily depend on where you want to hang it. Of course, the banner should also be large enough to be visible from a distance and to attract attention.

If you are unsure which size is best for your banner, it often helps to look at the environment in which the banner is to be hung. Have a look at how much space you have and what other banners are hanging nearby. Then you can make a good decision as to which size fits best.

Pay attention to the quality of your scaffolding banner

Scaffolding banners are the perfect way to draw attention to you and your company. They hang on scaffolding and are therefore highly visible. However, it is important that you pay attention to the quality of your banner. Otherwise, you might achieve the opposite of what you actually want.

So make absolutely sure that your banner is printed to a high quality and does not contain any errors. It must also be properly assembled so that the banner holds firmly to the frame. There are also differences in the backing, which have a significant impact on the effect of your banner. If you have any questions, please contact your personal customer advisor.

Use attention factors

If you want to design your banner, you should include attention factors. These factors are scientifically proven elements that increase the chance that people will pay attention to you and your message – no matter what situation they are in.

The 3 most important attention-grabbing factors are:

1. Contrast: use strong contrasts to draw eyes to your banner.

2. Innovation: be different from the competition and stand out with innovative ideas.

3. Relevance: Make sure your message is relevant to the viewer – otherwise their eyes are guaranteed to wander on.

4. Memorability: Use a clear design and avoid using too many different elements.

Feel free to contact your personal customer advisor to discuss your next project and clarify any questions you may have. By the way, you can get exclusive insights into our company and current projects on our YouTube channel every week. Feel free to have a look.