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What Shall I Write on My Curriculum Vitae?

Most of us have learned at school what to put on our Curriculum Vitae, and how to create an application that is particularly well received by companies. However, the things we learned at school often differ from the things we really need in the world of work.

This article will tell you what the most important and interesting things for us in an application are. Of course, our requirements may differ quite a bit from those of other companies.

Be Yourself

This is the most important tip we can give you for an application (to us). Whether in your CV or cover letter, you should show yourself for who you are.

Why? As soon as you have to pretend to be someone else in order to be accepted by a company, that company is not the right place for you. The faking does not end after the interview, and you are forced to put on your working mask every day, 5 days a week and be someone you are not.

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Every Pot Has Its Lid

You probably know this expression from dating and relationships. However, it also applies to companies and employees. We are convinced that there is the right company for every person and the right place in the company where people can unfold their potential.

Celebrate Your Rough Edges – Diamonds Aren’t Round Either

Your CV shows a part of your life. It is only an excerpt, just like the cover letter. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, and it would be presumptuous to think that they don’t. We’ll take a special look at how you can use your strengths to complete our team.

In Summary, Your CV Should Consist of:
  • Your current address,
  • Your current contact information
  • Your previous professional background (if you already have a university degree or a completed apprenticeship, we don’t need to know where you went to school),
  • Feel free to include your previous responsibilities
  • And skills in digital applications (depending on the position)
Where Can I Submit My Documents?

With us, it’s very easy to upload data via our application form. Please submit all files in PDF format. By the way, this document type is a common standard in (almost) all companies.

Every company is different though and has its own requirements and processes. Check the company website and social media channels carefully before applying. Many recruiters also like it if you design your application in the company’s CI. This shows that you have done some research and that it is important to you.